Shatanjaya Dasgupta

Associate Professor

Contact Information:


Accinno Hall 208C


Ph.D. - University of Colorado Boulder

Brief Biography:

I received my Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Colorado at Boulder. Before joining PC, I worked at Beloit College and Bates College. Prior to pursuing my graduate studies, I used to work as a consultant at the World Bank. My research interests are in development and labor economics, with a strong focus on gender-related issues. At PC, I teach a variety of courses including principles of microeconomics, intermediate microeconomics, economics of gender, and economics of poverty and discrimination.

Selected Publications:

Dasgupta, S. (2019) Attitudes about Wife-Beating and Incidence of Domestic Violence in India: An Instrumental Variables Analysis. Journal of Family and Economics Issues.

Dasgupta, S. (2019) Impact of Exposure to Mass Media on Female Empowerment: Evidence from India. International Journal of Development Issues.(18), 243-258.

Anukriti, S. Dasgupta, S. (2018) In Susan Averett, Laura Argys, Saul Hoffman (Ed.), Marriage Markets in Developing Countries. Oxford University Press

Dasgupta, S. Fletcher, E. (2018) Paying for Violence? Spousal Abuse and Son Preference in India. Journal of Development Studies.(54), 1217-1231.

Craigie, T. Dasgupta, S. (2017) The Gender Pay Gap and Son Preference: Evidence from India. Oxford Development Studies.(45), 479-498.

Dasgupta, S. (2016) Son Preference and Gender Gaps in Child Nutrition: Does the Level of Female Autonomy Matter?. Review of Development Economics.(20), 375-386.

Personal website